Friday, September 7, 2012

I am an Emotional Eater

Okay, I have a confession to make. I am an emotional eater! It started at a young age and I didn't even realize it. I am sure that a lot in my life led up to is, but nothing quite revealed my propensity for emotional eating like when I left my father's house. The day I went into foster care at 15 years old. The day I entered a group home for troubled youth. (Mind you, I had done nothing to deserve going there, I just didn't have any place to go.) I spent two weeks away and by the time I returned to school, I had gained 20 lbs.

Rather than feel my feelings, I drown them in crunch, salty, or sweet foods. I honestly didn't pay much attention to this (other than the occasional "diet") until my 31st birthday. That was the day that I realized I had ballooned up from 193 lbs to 227 lbs in only a year and a half.  Since then (and it's been almost a year), I have struggled and struggled to lose weight, but instead, I am up about another 8 lbs. 


How do I get past this?

For me, it is extremely hard to  keep from eating. I have no will power and when I was single, I just didn't buy sweets until I had been craving them forever. Now that I am married, things have gotten a bit harder. Now, my hubby loves late night snacking too and when even he manages to resist, then I relish in the fact that I can usually send him out to get something for me. (Right at this moment, I have sent him out to get me a Pepsi.)

Now, I am consumed by anxiety/depression, when I am not medicated, and I face stress every day.  I live on stress, I thrive on stress, and eats away at me too. I work in a job that is hard to leave at work. And when I do manage to focus on other things, it is usually on the never-ending quest to keep a clean house, or how to parent my girls, or any number of other things that I stress and/or feel guilty about. 

(As an end note, that lovely hubby of mine brought back a whole 12 pack of Diet Pepsi, along with a 2 liter of Pepsi next. Always trying to go a step above, he doesn't realize how hard it is for me to resist sweets when they are readily available....)

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